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At the Accounting and Financial Faculty Celebrated the Day of the Russian Insurer


On October 6, Russian specialists working in the insurance industry celebrate their professional holiday - Insurer's Day. October 2-4, 2018, the Stavropol State Agrarian University passed a series of events dedicated to the Russian Insurer's Day, organized by the Finance, Credit and Insurance Department with the support of Rosgosstrakh Insurance Company in the Stavropol Territory and Sberbank Insurance.

October 6, 1921 Gosstrakh of the RSFSR began its activities. This date was adopted as the day of foundation of insurance activity in Russia. On October 6, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR adopted a decree "On State Property Insurance", which laid the actual beginning for the further development of state property insurance in the country. In all rural and urban areas, insurance was provided for private farms against fires, loss of livestock, hail of crops, as well as accidents on water and land transport.

As part of the People's Commissariat of Finance, the Main Department of State Insurance (Gosstrakh) was organized, urban and rural insurance agencies were established on the ground.

In the USSR, objective prerequisites for the demonopolization of the insurance market arose in connection with the law on cooperation, adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on May 26, 1988, which spelled out the possibility of creating cooperative insurance institutions. During this period, the first alternative insurance organizations of the USSR Gosstrakh system were created (ASKO, Progress, Russia and others). The process was continued in connection with the approval by the USSR Council of Ministers of the "Regulations on Joint-Stock Companies with Limited Liability".

According to experts, at present the number of insurance agents is 65 thousand people. Today, insurance is an important sector of both the global and national financial systems, and in Russia more than 400 companies and firms operate in this market of services, which have branches in many cities of the country.

For this reason, the Day of the Insurer is one of the major professional holidays, despite the fact that it is not a national holiday. The event is not fixed at the official level in the list of memorable dates of the Russian Federation.

All those involved in insurance take part in events, regardless of their affiliation with state or private companies. Among them are managers, appraisers, service sellers, heads of departments, support staff. The holiday is celebrated by teachers, students, graduates of specialized educational institutions.

He opened a series of events master class on "First steps into the future of insurance." He was conducted by the head of the sales department, products, welfare of IC Sberbank Insurance Agaurova Marina Viktorovna for the 3rd year students of the accounting and finance department, the Finance and Credit profile.

During the event, the guys learned about the possibilities of Bank Insurance in Sberbank of Russia. We met with the most unusual insurance products.

Marina Viktorovna talked about how to build a successful insurance company from scratch, what are the components of success in today's insurance market in the Russian Federation, what are the needs of insurance companies today in terms of human resources, about the prospects of the insurer profession in the Russian market.

Our first-year students were not left without attention either. With students of the 1st course of the direction 38.03.01 "Economics", the profile "Finance and Credit" was held the competition "Insurance Vector".

The competition is aimed at increasing the level of insurance literacy, improving the quality of professional training of students in accordance with professional standards, and creating conditions for identifying gifted and talented students. It is designed to promote their further intellectual development, professional self-determination and adaptation of the theoretical knowledge obtained to the specific operating conditions of the insurance market.

The competition was held in two special categories:

- “The best insurance product”;

- "Creative approach".

Students prepared interesting presentations and videos, as well as offered new creative insurance products.

On Thursday, October 4, the quest “Insurance Route” was organized by the Stavropol State Agrarian University in cooperation with the branch of PJSC IC Rosgosstrakh. The event was held for the second time. This year it was held in an expanded format - it was an intercollegiate professional quest - the game “Insurance route”, which was attended by students of Stavropol State Agrarian University, North Caucasus Federal University and Stavropol branch of Moscow State Pedagogical University.

The main goal of the quest is to select the best students who are ready to develop their competencies in the field of insurance.

The event was opened by the dean of the accounting and financial faculty, doctor of economics, professor Kostyukova Elena Ivanovna. In her speech, she noted the importance of insurance, stressed that in the modern world it is impossible to navigate freely without possessing elementary insurance literacy and such activities are necessary for both students and other citizens. The dean congratulated the children on their upcoming professional holiday and wished them successful completion of all the quest stations.

The quest began with the contest "Business Card". Each team came up with a name and a motto. The presentation of the teams was perky and rhymed. Then there was a "warm-up", where students showed their knowledge of the historical places of the city of Stavropol. Well, then the teams, accompanied by the leading business coaches of the Rosgosstrakh company - Svidina Marina Evgenievna and Samakayeva Adele Barievna, as well as the general manager of the sales department for corporate clients of Svetlana Viktorovna Kuzminova - rushed into a “fight”.

The teams were offered a roadmap with information that indicated the direction of movement. In a given area, they had to solve an insurance task, which opens the way to the next point where players received the next task. Thus, the teams visited the stations: "Living Letters" (K. Marx Ave., sculpture "A Woman with a Sheaf"); "The Buratino Treasure" (The Serf Mountain - "The Key to the City"); “Invisible word” (Yermolov Boulevard, fountain “Children”); "DanNeKi" (Dynamo Stadium); “Rosgosstrakh company to the masses” (NSMU, sculpture “Be healthy”); "Mysteries" (monument "Airplane"); "True or false" (emergency room).

At each station, the teams were met by moderators, they were students of the 4th year of accounting and finance faculty (profile “Finance and Credit”) of Stavropol State Agrarian University, who offered the competitors to solve insurance tasks. Excellent knowledge of the insurance disciplines showed the quest participants in order to get to the required control points. Many different obstacles overcame the team, looking for "treasure". Quest was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere.

The team of Stavropol State Agrarian University as a member of the 3rd year students of the accounting and finance department (Finance and Credit profile) became the winner in the Insurance Navigator nomination.

All participants received an excellent charge of positive emotions, were awarded with diplomas and memorable prizes. At the end of the event, specialists of the insurance company expressed their gratitude to the teachers - the leaders of the quest team members - associate professor of finance, credit and insurance business of Stavropol State Agrarian University Klishina Yulia Evgenievna, associate professor of finance and credit department of North-Caucasian Federal University Pasko Elena Alekseevna, senior teacher of economics department , management, financial law and information technology of the Stavropol branch of the Moscow Pedagogical g State University Verzhbitskaya Irina Valerievna, as well as teachers of the department "Finance, credit and insurance business" of Stavropol State Agrarian University, who assisted in the preparation of the event. 

Дата новости для фото:  06.10.2018 00:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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