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The Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources held an open lecture of the strategic partner of the university - LLC Agroholding "Energomera"


The main activity of the agrarian business segment of the Energomera Company is plant growing. The Agroholding includes large agricultural enterprises of the region located in different soil-climatic zones on different soil types. The Company's specialists came to share their experience and knowledge with future agronomists - students of Stavropol State Agrarian University.

On October 3, 2018, an open lecture “Best Practices for Implementing Modern Innovative Cultivation Technologies in LLC Agroholding "Energomera” was held for students of the “Agronomy” direction.

The lecture was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, Professor Alexander Nikolayevich Esaulko, he presented the General Director of LLC Agroholding "Energomera", a graduate of the Agronomy Faculty of our university in 1996, a candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Sergey Vladimirovich Chebanenko.

He paid special attention to first-year students, talking about the innovations that are being implemented in the holding's farms, about the connection between science and production. Being a graduate of the agronomical faculty, Sergey Vladimirovich knows firsthand how important it is to have a higher education, which later will help to become a highly qualified specialist, competitive and in demand in the labor market.

In his lecture with students of 2,3,4 courses, Sergey Vladimirovich spoke about the innovations that are used in growing crops. From the words of the general director, the students learned that the gross harvest of the holding’s grains was more than 200 thousand tons. LLC Agroholding "Energomera" is constantly evolving and therefore the company needs employees to improve their professional skills.

Students actively participated in the conversation with Sergey Vladimirovich, noted for themselves new and important information, asked questions and received detailed answers to them.

Thanks to the initiative of the Rector of our University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, an agreement on scientific and technical cooperation was concluded with the Agroholding Energomera. 

Дата новости для фото:  08.10.2018
Номер новости для фото:  12

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