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Representatives of the Agrarian University are participants of the International Scientific Conference


Professor of Soil Science Department named after V.I. Tulipova, Faizova Vera Ivanovna and Associate Professor Nikiforova Anastasia Mikhailovna took part in the 3rd International Scientific Conference "Current State, Problems and Prospects for the Development of Agrarian Science", which was held in Yalta, the Republic of Crimea.

The 3rd International Scientific Conference "The current state, problems and prospects for the development of agrarian science" was held in Yalta. The event traditionally brought together more than 130 scientists and specialists from scientific institutions in the regions of Russia, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Kazakhstan to discuss the most important fundamental and applied issues in the field of biological, agricultural and technical science.

The following scientific directions were presented at the event: agricultural microbiology, biotechnology and plant physiology in agriculture, plant breeding and seed farming, plant growing, agriculture, plant protection, agricultural mechanization, land reclamation and water resources management, as well as information technologies in the agro-industrial complex.

The conference was attended by a professor of the department of soil science named after V.I. Tulipov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Faizova Vera Ivanovna. At the meeting of the section "Agricultural Microbiology, Biotechnology and Plant Physiology in Agriculture" she presented a report "Changing the microbiological characteristics of the black soil of the Central Ciscaucasia in agricultural use." In her speech, the author presented the results of many years of research into the condition of the microflora of fungi in the conjugate areas of virgin and arable black soil of the common Central Ciscaucasia. Vera Ivanovna noted that a significant transformation of the micromycetes composition of chernozem arable lands is taking place compared to virgin lands, expressed in an increase in their numbers and the appearance of significant seasonal indicators. 

Дата новости для фото:  09.10.2018
Номер новости для фото:  13

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