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Open Day of the Federal State Statistics Service of the North-West Federal district


The 3rd and 4th year students of the Economics Faculty of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the direction “Economics” (training profiles “Economics of Enterprises and Organizations” and “World Economy”) attended the event devoted to the anniversary year of education of the Stavropol Provincial Statistical Committee.Head of the Department of Information and Statistical Services of the Office of the Federal State Statistics Service for the North Caucasus Federal District L.I. Borzykina and Deputy Chief of the Statistics Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources N.G. Mikhailova spoke about the history of the formation and development of statistics in the Stavropol Territory, the goals and objectives of the Rosstat system, the functions of each structural unit, and the perspectives of the state statistical bodies at the current stage.A tour of all departments of statistics of the North-Kavkazstat, the procedure for conducting federal state statistical observations and the provision of statistical reports, especially the processing of statistical information and the confidentiality requirements for primary statistical data — the experts told students about all this.In order to form professional competencies of 3rd year students studying the Marketing discipline in this semester, Yekaterina Agalarova, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and Economics of the Agro-Industrial Complex, spoke about the use of statistical information characterizing the economic state and development dynamics of industry markets in the region and country, marketing policies and strategies of firms.Associate Professor of Economic Theory and Economics at the Agroindustrial Complex Elena Kosinova told to 4th year students studying the discipline “Pricing” about the mechanism for collecting and systematizing information about prices for products, services in statistical collections, using price statistics in practical activities of enterprises and organizations.Also, a similar tour was organized by the staff of the Department "Economic Security, Statistics and Econometrics", Associate Professor Kapustina E. and associate professor Skripnichenko Yu. for 3-year students of the direction "Finance and Credit" and "Accounting, analysis and audit." The event was opened for them by the deputy head of the Department Khalupovsky I.M., and then the staff introduced the guests to the features of the service. 

Дата новости для фото:  09.10.2018
Номер новости для фото:  7

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