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Environmental students - scholars of the fund named after V.I. Vernadsky


Students of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Diana Klintsova and Susanna Zosimova won an individual scholarship of the fund named after V.I. Vernadsky.

Today, the Scholarship Program of the Non-Governmental Environmental Fund named after V.I. Vernadsky is one of the stages of the educational system, the purpose of which is to promote research activities of applicants in the field of sustainable development, to stimulate practical solutions to specific problems in the field of environmental education, environmental education, environmental culture and current issues of development and improvement of the fuel and energy complex of Russia.

Thanks to the initiative of the Dean of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Construction, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor A.N. Esaulko, in 2018, a system was organized to select talented students - future environmentalists to participate in such a prestigious competition.

As a result, to the participation in the competition of student scholarships of the Non-governmental environmental fund named after VI. Vernadsky was recommended by two students of the faculty, students of excellence, winners and laureates of intra-university, regional and All-Russian competitions Diana Klintsova (chairman of the student scientific circle “Ecological Expertise and Environmental Impact Assessment”, author of 10 scientific articles), and Susanna Zosimova (leader of the student group “Ecologist”, author of 3 scientific articles).

To participate in the competitive selection of students under the guidance of the candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of the department of ecology and landscape construction Yu.A. Mandra prepared a set of documents, including an application, a motivation letter, a description of the results of their scientific and social achievements, and an essay. During the training, students discussed the importance of the “ecologist” profession, their role in maintaining the ecological well-being of Stavropol, and the role of the university in shaping them as future specialists.

In total in the competition of scholarships of the Fund named after V.I. Vernadsky for the 2018-2019 academic year was attended by 186 applicants from 60 higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation (35 regions), the Republics of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan. The first stage of the selection of applications took place on the basis of 22 higher educational institutions (the applications of our applicants were considered by the commission of Dagestan State University). At the second stage of selection, the Central Competition Commission decided to recognize 63 students as winners of the scholarship competition, among which students of the Agrarian University were the only representatives of Stavropol! Moreover, among the winners there was not a single representative of the universities of the agrarian profile, with the exception of Diana and Susanna.

Such a high result of future ecologists confirms once again that the conditions created by the rector of the university, professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, the acquisition of practice-oriented skills, the development of personal qualities, allow our students to be first, best and most in demand.

Congratulations to the winners of the scholarship contest of the fund named after V.I. Vernadsky, we wish you creative success and scientific discoveries! 

Дата новости для фото:  11.10.2018
Номер новости для фото:  20

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