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Agrarian - the dream come true!


On October 10, 2018 at the accounting and finance faculty of Stavropol State Agrarian University in the framework of the adaptation of first-year students in the Economics course of the Accounting, Analysis and Audit training profile (group 1) and economic security specialty (groups 4-7) was initiated into the students of "Agrarian - the dream come true!".

The event was organized by the staff of the department "Accounting Financial Accounting":

- N. Kulish, Head of Department, Ph.D., Associate Professor,

- O. Sytnik - Ph.D., associate professor, curator of the 1 group of the direction “Economics” of the profile “Accounting, analysis and audit”,

- Germanova V. - Ph.D., associate professor, curator of 4 and 5 groups of the specialty "Economic security" profile "Economic and legal support of economic security activities",

- A. Frolov - Ph.D., associate professor, curator of 6 and 7 groups of specialty "Economic security" profile "Financial accounting and control in law enforcement."

The dean of the accounting and finance faculty - Doctor of Economics, Professor Kostukova E. I. made a welcoming speech.

All participants were given a presentation on the history of the formation and development of Stavropol State Agrarian University, after which a competitive test was conducted on the knowledge of the main stages of the development of the university.

In addition, freshmen presented to the jury members answers to two of the most important and interesting questions:

- “Why did I enter the SSAU?”

- “Why did I choose this profession?”.

Evaluated the efforts of the contestants a serious team of strict, honest, smiling and sincere jury members:

- Head of the Department for Educational and Social Affairs, Ph.D., Associate Professor Gunko T.

- head. Department of "Accounting Financial Accounting" Ph.D., associate professor N. Kulish

- Executive Secretary of the University Admissions Committee, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Accounting Management Accounting, Tunin S.

During the stubborn and fervent struggle between the groups, the test results were as follows:

The diploma of the 1st degree was awarded to students of the 1st group of the direction “Economics” of the preparation profile “Accounting, Analysis and Audit” (curator - Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department “Accounting Financial Accounting” O. Sytnik);

The diploma of the 2nd degree was awarded to students of the 6th group of the specialty “Economic Security” of the profile “Financial Accounting and Control in Law Enforcement Agencies” (curator - Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department “Accounting Financial Accounting” Frolov A.);

Diploma of the 3rd degree was awarded to students of the 4th group of the specialty “Economic security” of the profile “Economic and legal support of economic security” (curator - Ph.D., associate professor of the department “Accounting Financial Accounting” Germanova V.).

All participants received sweet gifts from the organizers. 

Дата новости для фото:  11.10.2018
Номер новости для фото:  18

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