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The headquarters of the volunteer teams of the SSAU opened the 3rd "School of volunteer activities"


The School of Volunteer Activities is an annual educational project conducted by the Headquarters of the volunteer units of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. 220 students were able to see the bright and touching opening of the school. This is the number of volunteers who will receive volunteer groups “TOLK”, “Volunteer”, “Care” and “Ecologist” in their ranks this year.

The opening began with the presentation of volunteer units and welcoming words by the Chairman of the CSP of the students of SSAU Nikolay Golovin and the head of the headquarters of the volunteer groups Inna Kulieva.

After the presentation, the squad leaders presented the team’s activities over the past year, showing the great opportunities that open up to volunteers and presenting key achievements. At the end of the presentation, the students had to make a choice to join one of the 4 teams.

The opening program continued with interesting games, contests, video viewing and creative numbers.

In conclusion, the volunteers swore a volunteer oath and joined the large family of the Volunteer Headquarters. Now each school participant will have to complete 5 educational master classes in various areas and receive a certificate of participation in the project. This certificate will be the starting point for full participation in the work of the selected squad.

We wish success to our new volunteers! 

Дата новости для фото:  11.10.2018
Номер новости для фото:  13

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