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Start of the XV sports competitions of freshmen of the Stavropol State Agrarian University


The goal of the annual sports competitions of Stavropol State Agrarian University is to increase the level of physical, moral and spiritual culture of students, as well as to attract students to regular physical education, promoting and promoting healthy lifestyles.

During the first decade of October, several tournaments were held on the basis of the sports and recreation complex of the Agrarian University.

On October 2, the first futsal competitions were held.

Places are as follows:

1st place - Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources, ecology and landscape architecture;

2nd place - Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism;

3rd place - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine;

4th place - Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization;

5th place - Faculty of Economics;

6th place - Faculty of Electric Power;

7th place - Faculty Accounting and Financial.

October 5 and 9 held a championship in basketball.

Among the young men, the Electric Power Faculty became the winner, the second place was taken by the team of the Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism, and the bronze championship went to the Accounting and Finance Faculty.

4th place - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Technological Management;

5th place - Faculty of Agrobiology and land resources, ecology and landscape architecture;

6th place - Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization;

7th place - Faculty of Economics.

Among girls, a victory in basketball was won by the faculty of agrobiology and land resources, ecology and landscape architecture, the second place of the championship was taken by the team of the economics faculty, and they completed the top three runners-up girls of the accounting and financial faculty.

4th place - Faculty of hospitality and tourism;

5th place - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Technology Management;

6th place - faculty of electric power.

According to the longstanding tradition prevailing at the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the Student Sport competitions are a great opportunity to declare yourself at the sports Olympus, to become one of those who defend the honor of the university in regional, All-Russian and international competitions. Sports day is held among university students during each academic year. Teams of faculties of the university, which include first-year students who have just entered the university, participate in sports competitions in the fall. 

Дата новости для фото:  11.10.2018
Номер новости для фото:  9

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