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Competitions in athletics in the framework of the XV "Freshman Cup"


Stavropol State Agrarian University continues the Games of freshmen. This time the guys showed themselves in athletics. Traditionally, competitions in this sport are held in the open air, on the sports grounds of Komsomolsk lake of the regional center. Good weather allowed the athletes to conduct a decent preparation for the upcoming start and show excellent results.

The competitors competed in the 100m and 1500m race and in the team length jump from a place.

In the individual championship freshmen showed such results:

- At a distance of 100 meters for young men the best time is 11.19 seconds was shown by Podlubny Maxim (Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources). Padalka Igor conceded quite a bit (Faculty of Economics, time - 11.25 sec.). The third was Grigoryan Arman, time -11.31 seconds. (representative of the Faculty of Farm Mechanization).

- At a distance of 1500 m for young men, the victory went to Simonyan Sipanu (accounting and finance department, time - 4 minutes 15 seconds). The second with a small margin in time - 4 minutes 23 seconds was Ilya Zabrodov (Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources). The third place went to Artem Degtyarev - 4 minutes 38 seconds (accounting and finance faculty).

- At a distance of 100 meters for girls 1 place went to Yumegona Elizabeth, a student of the Faculty of Economics, with a score of 12.44 sec.; 2nd place went to Shishkil Diana - 12.78 seconds. (Faculty of Farm Mechanization). And the third place in a hard struggle was won by a representative of the Faculty of Economics - Alisa Kivalova, with a score of 12.94 seconds.

- At the 1500m distance, Diana Sheshkel, a student of the faculty of farm mechanization, was the first to run the distance in 5 minutes 28 seconds. The second place went to Seviliva Ekaterina - 5 minutes 53 seconds (faculty of veterinary medicine and technological management). The third was Reskaya Maria (Faculty of Economics), breaking the distance in 6 minutes 1 second.

The stubborn struggle continued in long jumps. The team of students of the Faculty of Economics jumped the furthest away, being the most jumpy and winning first place. The second place went to athletes from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Technological Management. The third place was shared by two teams: the accounting and finance faculty and the electric power engineering faculty.

Following the results of three types of programs:

- First place was won by students of the faculty of economics

- The second were the athletes of the Faculty of Farm Mechanization

- Third place - students of the faculty of agrobiology and land resources.

- Fourth place - students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Technological Management

- Fifth place - accounting and finance faculty

- Sixth place - faculty of electric power engineering.

Congratulations to the winners and prize winners, we wish you further sports victories!

Дата новости для фото:  15.10.2018
Номер новости для фото:  9

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