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A student of Stavropol State Agrarian University is a personal scholarship holder of the mayor of Stavropol


Victoria Svetlichnaya, deputy chairman of the primary trade union organization of students at Stavropol State Agrarian University, was awarded the nominal prize by the administration of the city of Stavropol.

The head of the administration of Stavropol, Andrei Khasanovich Jatdoev, presented the award for active participation in the public life of the city of Stavropol, achievements in organizing and improving the educational process with respect to modern achievements of science and practice, ensuring the unity of training and education, and introducing advanced pedagogical ideas and technologies into educational process.

Victoria, being the vice-chairman of the primary trade union organization of students, takes an active part in organizing events not only at university, but also at the city, regional and All-Russian levels. Victoria acted as one of the organizers of the All-Russian festival “Russian Student Spring” in the regional center, was awarded a thank-you letter from the Duma of Stavropol Territory for the development of youth policy, is a regional trainer and winner of the regional award in the field of innovation science and initiatives “Award 2020”.

We congratulate Victoria and wish to achieve even greater heights. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.10.2018
Номер новости для фото:  7

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