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A virtual seminar was held at the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Physiology


At the Department of Agrochemistry and Plant Physiology of Stavropol State Agrarian University, a virtual seminar on the subject "Plant Physiology" was held with laboratory experience. Zheleznyak Aleksey Petrovich, specialist of “NATSPR” LLC took part in the seminar.

Alexey Petrovich told students that the plant is a living organism that responds to changes in soil and climatic conditions, the effects of chemical and mechanical stresses by changes in internal physiological parameters. The constant impact of stress during the growing season of plants leads to the loss of productivity potential up to 50-70%, and sometimes the complete death of plants. Modern agrochemical devices allow you to quickly identify internal changes of plants in the early stages, before the start of irreversible ones. Correction of mineral nutrition after the appearance of visual symptoms of stress (irreversible metabolic disorders) is ineffective - preservation of the crop is not more than 5-7%, correction at the stage of “hidden hunger”, i.e. up to the visual symptoms of stress allows you to save up to 30% yield and higher.

The specialist advised students to use the fastest way to analyze plants, such as functional diagnostics. Within one hour, 14 nutrients are determined with the help of functional diagnostics, which makes it possible to promptly correct the nutrition of plants to reveal the potential of the crop. The method itself is based on the measurement of the photochemical activity of chloroplasts and makes it possible to identify the stress state of plants long before the onset of visual symptoms.

Functional diagnostics is the “language of plants”, which is necessary for understanding the internal problems of plants and making timely decisions on how to overcome them. It allows you to manage processes that we do not see, based on knowledge of plant physiology.

In the framework of the virtual seminar, functional diagnostics of the “Arabian Coffee” plant, taken from SSAU winter garden, was carried out. 

Дата новости для фото:  16.10.2018
Номер новости для фото:  13

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