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An international conference was held at the Agrarian University


From October 11 to October 16, 2018, the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference "New technologies in agriculture and food industry using electrophysical factors and ozone" was held at the electric power engineering department of Stavropol State Agrarian University with the participation of the General Director of the Academy of Innovations, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences (RAMTN) Ushakov Viktor Vladimirovich.

The conference was attended by scientists from 4 countries: Bulgaria, Armenia, the Czech Republic and Azerbaijan, and from 5 regions of Russia: the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, and Rostov and Volgograd regions.

The event was attended by guests: from VNIIOK - Larisa N. Skorykh, Doctor of Biological Sciences; Kuban State Agrarian University was represented by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the EM and EP Kurchenko Nikolay Yuryevich, NSMU - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of Biotechnology Maria Maria Topchy.

Conference moderators:

- Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Department of Physics Starodubtseva Galina Petrovna;

- Dean of the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Mastepanenko Maxim Alekseevich.

The following scientific areas were presented at the event:

- New technologies and technical means of production and processing of agricultural products

- Improvement of resource-saving technologies and technical means of production in the agricultural sector

- Diagnostics and quality control of agricultural products.

- Mathematical modeling of technological processes.

- The use of physical factors in biology and agriculture.

- Promising technologies using electrophysical factors and ozone.

- Hydrodynamics, heat and mass transfer in magnetically controlled liquid media in devices and apparatus.

- Electrotechnology and electrical equipment in agriculture.

- Electricity and unconventional energy sources.

The dean of the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Ph.D., associate professor Mastepanenko Maxim Aleekseevich addressed the guests and participants of the conference with a welcoming speech.

Academician Ushakov V.V. presented a project on the theme: “Innovative developments in the field of quantum medicine and energy biostimulation of plants, environmental technologies”.

In addition to the leading academic teachers, students of the 4th Faculty of Electric Power Engineering presenting reports, winning grants from ROSMOLODEZH-2018 - Alexander Sergeenko and Dmitry Fursov, Russian National Treasure -2018 - Alexander Lomakin and Kirill Kolesnikov.

At the end of the event, guests were given a tour of the university, during which they were introduced to the scientific potential of the university, the material and technical base and the features of the educational process.

Following the conference, a collection of scientific papers will be published.

Дата новости для фото:  17.10.2018
Номер новости для фото:  1

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