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Student of Stavropol State Agrarian University is among the winners of the contest of young scientists "To the heights of science"


Undergraduate of the 1st course of the direction of training "Food from plant materials" Yuliya Kaznacheyeva took III place in the competition of research works of students and young scientists "To the heights of science" in the direction of "Biotechnology", held in the framework of the interregional Festival of the North-Caucasian Federal District "Nauka 0+ »October 11-12, 2018.

The Science Festival of the North-Caucasian Federal District is the largest event in the region, aimed at promoting scientific activities and increasing the prestige of science.

Within the framework of the Festival, the School of Young Scientists of the North-Caucasian Federal District was organized, in which more than 150 people took part. Interactive exhibitions of the achievements and developments of young scientists, leading companies and organizations of the federal district, popular science lectures, master classes, thematic tours, intellectual games, meetings with partners and representatives of innovative companies of the North Caucasus Federal District were held.

An integral part of the School for Young Scientists of the North Caucasus Federal District was the holding of the second, full-time stage of the competition of research works of schoolchildren, students, undergraduates, graduate students and young scientists in the technical, natural and human sciences "To the heights of science." Students were offered the following areas of research: "Earth Sciences", "Mathematics and Physics", "Chemistry and Biology", "Computer Science and Robotics", "Humanities and Social Sciences." Students performed in the following areas: “Geoinformation Technologies”, “Biotechnologies”, “New Materials and Chemical Technologies”, “Production Technologies, New Instruments and Design Methods”, “Counteracting Technogenic, Biogenic, Socio-Cultural Threats”, “Health Protection Technologies and Medicine”, “Digital technologies, machine learning and big data processing”, “Resource Saving Energy”.

In all age categories there was a lot of work that demonstrated deep knowledge, creative approaches and culture of scientific thinking.

Yulia Kaznacheyeva, who took the third place in the competition, presented a project on the theme “Development of a technology for the production of functional beverages based on beer wort” (heads - Sosyura Elena Alekseevna, associate professor of the department of production and processing of food products from vegetable raw materials, Ph.D., Miltyusov Vladimir Evgenievich, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Production and Processing of Food Products from Vegetable Raw Materials, Candidate of Technical Sciences). As Julia noted, the creation of such soft drinks on the one hand provides the ability to regulate the human consumption of vital compounds, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other biologically active components, on the other hand, allows saturating the food market with such goods, and as a consequence of this, it provides the possibility of reducing alimentary dependent diseases among various categories of consumers.

In addition, an assistant of the Department of Production and Processing of Food Products from Plant Raw Materials Hermann M.S. took part in the competition with the theme “Development of a technology for the production of biological wines in Stavropol Territory” (head - Sosyura Elena Alekseevna, Associate Professor at the Department of Food Production and Processing vegetable raw materials, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor), having received a certificate of participation.

It should be noted that participation in the contest “To the heights of science” is the support of scientific initiatives of students and young scientists, and winning the prestigious intellectual competition promotes public recognition and popularization of the results of scientific and innovative activities of young researchers. 

Дата новости для фото:  16.10.2018
Номер новости для фото:  20

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