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Student teams of the Agrarian University adequately represented the region at the All-Russian rally


From 13 to 15 October 2018 in the city of Rostov-on-Don there was held the All-Russian rally of student teams, dedicated to the end of the 59th summer term, and the V All-Russian Games of student groups. About 3,000 fighters from 74 regions of the country competed in various competitions for three days. The delegation of Stavropol Territory was the most numerous of the regions of Russia and consisted of 94 student fighters from all over the region, including Stavropol State Agrarian University.

As part of the All-Russian Student Rally, the final of the All-Russian Commissioners' Competition was held. In the nomination "The best commissioner of the headquarters of an educational organization," Stavropol Territory was represented by Viktoria Sevostyanova, the commissar of the headquarters of the Agrariy student team of Stavropol State Agrarian University. The participants were to take part in the Debate contest, in the intellectual contest “I am an expert in the RSO”, where they had to show knowledge of the Charter, regulations and regulatory documents of the MOOO RSO, history, structure of the movement of student teams, as well as labor protection requirements. After that, the project ideas were defended, where the commissioners presented their projects aimed at the development and popularization of student groups. According to the results of competitive tests by the decision of the jury, Sevostyanova Victoria took the honorable 2nd place in her nomination.

For the fifth consecutive year, the most athletic fighters of student teams in Stavropol come to the All-Russian Olympics as part of the All-Russian Union of Armed Forces to fight for victory in various sports disciplines. This year, student teams of Stavropol took part in all sports that were held as part of the V All-Russian Games of student teams (volleyball, football, basketball, TRP standards). In a bitter struggle, the basketball team, which included the fighter of the student construction team “Masterok” of SSAU Konstantin Logachyov, won the bronze. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.10.2018
Номер новости для фото:  13

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