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The best in the inter-regional competition "BayStudy - 2018"


A student of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources of Stavropol State Agrarian University Yulia Echevskaya, studying in the field “Agronomy”, in the framework of the final forum of the Interregional Competition “BayStudy-2018” presented the results of the scientific work “Biological features of the cotton worm and improvement of its control in maize sowings ”(supervisor - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection L.A. Mikhno).

The winners of the VIII Interregional competition of scientific works "BayStudy - 2018" from 73 participants included 16 young scientists from 13 agricultural universities of the Russian Federation: Stavropol, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Altai, Kuban, Don, Krasnoyarsk, Far Eastern SAU, State Agrarian University of Northern Zauralye, RSAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy, National Research Tomsk State University and Ryazan State Agrotechnological University.

The competition was organized by the Russian Union of Rural Youth and the Bayer Crop Science Company, one of the world leaders in the development and production of chemical plant protection products and biotechnologies.

Protection of scientific work was held at the office of JSC "Bayer". The competent jury highly appreciated the level of work, noting that the competition helps young people to develop their creative beginnings. For experts, this event allows to get an idea of the level of research work at universities. Therefore, holding such competitions is a great benefit for the training of specialists and for the educational process itself, a good way to increase the scientific, social and intellectual activity of the younger generation.

During the awards ceremony, the leaders of the competition were greeted and congratulated by the specialist in organizational support for the marketing department of Bayer, Nadezhda Stupikova, and the Chairman of the Central Council of the RCCM, Yulia Ogloblina. The winners were awarded diplomas, souvenirs with the company logo, as well as certificates for receiving a personal grant from JSC Bayer in the amount of 6,000 rubles during the school year. For the winners of the finals of the competition a sightseeing tour was organized, which allowed the students to get acquainted with the sights of the capital. 

Дата новости для фото:  19.10.2018
Номер новости для фото:  31

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