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Thematic tour “Protecting the forest is our work”


On the basis of the FBU Russian forest protection branch of the Center for Forest Protection of the Stavropol Territory, a thematic meeting was held with students of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture of Stavropol State Agrarian University, studying in the direction of Ecology and Nature Management, dedicated to reforestation and forest protection.

The Forest Protection Center of the Stavropol Territory provides methodological and technical support for the protection of the forest fund of the Stavropol Territory, the Rostov Region and the republics of the Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia-Alania from harmful insects, diseases and other pathological factors.

The first category engineer of the Stavropol forest seed station Elena Alexandrovna Derkach introduced students to the peculiarities of monitoring the quality of seeds of forest plants in order to meet the needs of reforestation and afforestation with seeds with high sowing qualities and hereditary properties. The students were presented with a collection of seeds of forest plants, they clearly showed the definition of seed germination on the sprouting apparatus, they were introduced to the reforestation technology.

Dmitry Alexandrovich Pavlov, an engineer of the 1st category of the forest protection department and the state forest pathological monitoring, spoke about the organization and maintenance of forest pathology monitoring in the service area. It should be noted that Dmitry Alexandrovich, a graduate of the faculty of plant protection at our university, is among the top ten in the profession following the first professional skill contest “The Best Forest Pathologist”, which was held in 2018 as part of events marking the 80th anniversary of the Forest Protection Service of the Russian Federation.

In addition to activities for the protection of the forest fund, the specialists of the Center for Forest Protection also work on the agrochemical survey of the soils of the lands of the forest fund for forest availability.

The event, organized by the leading teachers of the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection: PhD of agricultural sciences, Head of the Department Shutko A.P., Associate Professor Tuturzhans L.V. and senior lecturer Mikhno L.A., allowed students to immerse themselves in the working atmosphere, learn more about the specifics of the profession, and also improve the level of environmental education.

- Ecology is an important part of the life of each of us. This is not just a word. This is what surrounds us, and we are responsible for this for the sake of a happy and full-fledged “tomorrow” for our children. Therefore, work in the field of formation of environmental thinking of the younger generation is one of the main tasks of our organization, - with these words Elena Alexandrovna Derkach completed a meeting with students. 

Дата новости для фото:  29.10.2018
Номер новости для фото:  9

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