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The V All-Russian Savings Week has been launched in Stavropol State Agrarian University


The Stavropol Territory is one of the nine pilot regions of the federal project to improve the financial literacy of the population, in which the anniversary V All-Russian Savings Week is held. The educational events of the Savings Week cover all regions of the country, from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok: everyone can take part for free. If not personally, then in the online format. Stavropol State Agrarian University joined the project.

Since 2014, more than six million Russians have visited the annual “intensives” on financial literacy, including residents of Stavropol. The result of educational work is the changed financial behavior of people. If in 2014 the debt load of the population in the Stavropol Territory was 34%, then on July 1, 2018, it was, according to various sources, from 20 to 24%.

The main thrust of the Savings Week is to draw people's attention to financial culture and give them the necessary knowledge. The organizers strive to ensure that citizens understand why keep track of funds, how to spend less and get more income, how to create a “safety cushion” in case of job loss, why it is important to observe credit discipline.

The organizers of the official opening of the Savings Week at Stavropol State Agrarian University were the Department of Financial Management and Banking. The meeting was attended by Suslov Yury Ivanovich, Deputy Minister of Finance of the Stavropol Territory, Lisova Olga Mikhailovna, Director of the Institute of Advanced Professional Education at SSAU, Gerasimenko Nadezhda Ivanovna, Regional Coordinator of the Financial Literacy Program, Vasilyeva Galina Ivanovna, Director of the Training Center of the Ministry of Finance of the Stavropol Territory, Babich Irina Kuzminichna, specialist of the training center of the Ministry of Finance of the Stavropol Territory, Kostyukova Elena Ivanovna, Dean of Accounting and Finance State University, Yurkina Elena Viktorovna, Head of the Economic Department of the Stavropol Branch of the Southern Central Administration of the Central Bank of Russia, Mishenkina Valentina Viktorovna, Deputy Governor of the Stavropol Branch No. 5230 of Sberbank PJSC, Kibalko Alexey Anatolyevich, Head of the Direct Sales Department of the Stavropol Branch No. 5230 of Sberbank, Khudyakova Larisa Sergeyevna, Deputy Director of the Stavropol Regional Branch of JSC "Rosselkhozbank", Kovalenko Pavel Petrovich, Executive Director NGO "Business-Constanta", Korovin Fedor Mikhailovich, author and organizer of active city games, educational and entertainment quests, founder, First Gaming Agency of Stavropol, representatives of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Stavropol Territory, faculty of North Caucasus Federal University, teachers and pupils of schools in the city of Stavropol, volunteers of the Financier student volunteer group.

“During the fifth Savings Week, we are planning interactive games and quiz seminars, lectures, master classes in labor collectives,” said Deputy Minister of Finance of the Stavropol Territory Yury Suslov. - We also want financial literacy issues to be discussed in families. To this end, the contest “My First Financial Tale” is launched today. If the experience is successful, we will spread it, and, perhaps, we will release a collection of the best fairy tales.

Olga Mikhailova, Director of the Institute of Additional Professional Education at SSAU, told how to involve students in the study of the rules for dealing with finances:

- The university will host two large-scale events: the quest “Financial Stars” and the intellectual game “What? Where? When?". We also plan to conduct a series of thematic classes, master classes, and trainings,” noted Olga Mikhailovna.

The participants of the official opening - financial industry specialists - were offered to test their knowledge and take part in a quiz: 10 questions for joint discussion (one of them with a black box) and 11 rounds of the blitz survey, which were answered by the team captain Yury Suslov. Of the 21 possible points, Stavropol experts scored 20. Similar quizzes were held in each region. The winning region will be announced on your finance.rf portal.

After the quiz, representatives of the entities in which the Savings Week was launched, went live to the federal experts of the project. They discussed the development of the country's financial market, best practices, new services, and the emergence in Russia of an institution authorized to protect the rights of consumers of financial services.

After the live broadcast, the award was given to thankful letters from the project partners and the best tutors, among which were Sklyarova Yulia Mikhailovna, Head of the Department of Financial Management and Banking of SSAU, Lapina Elena Nikolaevna, Latysheva Lyudmila Anatolyevna, Ostapenko Elena Anatolevna, Assistant Professor of the Department of Financial Management and Banking. The work of the experts was rated as effective. 

Дата новости для фото:  31.10.2018
Номер новости для фото:  13

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