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Activists of "Volunteer" squad presented a preventive project at Stavropol Polytechnic


The main objective of the project “Do not deprive yourself of tomorrow”, implemented by the student group “Volunteer” of Stavropol State Agrarian University, is the prevention of asocial phenomena in the youth environment. The project event, held on October 30, 2018, was attended by 30 students of Stavropol Polytechnic College. The guys were able to take part in psychological trainings in the form of a game and sorted out the problematic situations associated with different forms of addiction. This format of work allows you to move away from the usual lectures and to simulate various situations that form a negative attitude towards asocial phenomena. Today, a series of trainings that took place on the territory of practically the entire Stavropol Territory clearly demonstrated the urgent need to communicate with young people on the most pressing issues. During the implementation in 13 districts of the region and the regional capital, the project has covered more than 2,200 participants. Work to promote a healthy lifestyle will continue. Recall, “Do not take away from yourself tomorrow” - the winner of the grant competition of the North-Caucasian youth forum “Mashuk”, the winner of the all-Russian competition “Student activists”, the all-Russian competition “Volunteer Russia” and others. Victories in such competitions become a high reward for the fighters of the “Volunteer” squadron and one more confirmation of the high importance and significance of the work of students. 

Дата новости для фото:  01.11.2018
Номер новости для фото:  8

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