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Agrarian University hosted a webinar "Practice of introducing technologies of "smart "agriculture"


October 30, in Stavropol State Agrarian University, there was a webinar “Exchange of experience with other subjects of the Russian Federation: business leaders as mentors. The practice of introducing technologies "smart" agriculture. The event was organized by the Project Office of Stavropol State Agrarian University, a non-profit organization “Entrepreneurship Support Fund in the Stavropol Territory” and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Stavropol Territory.

The main topic of the webinar was a discussion of the effectiveness of the use and commercial potential of using digital technologies in agriculture, in particular the practice of implementing technologies of "precision farming", the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in agriculture, GPS navigation, etc.

The webinar was opened by a specialist in the promotion of the New Telecommunications Technologies company (St. Petersburg) Anastasia Svetsova, who in her presentation focused on the commercial potential of using unmanned aerial vehicles in agriculture.

Zamyatin Alexander Yuryevich, chief designer of control systems of the MNIRTI company (Moscow), devoted his presentation to infocommunication technologies for “Smart Agriculture”.

The speech of the General Director of the CenterProgrammesystem enterprise (Belgorod) Mikhail Olegovich Denisenko caused the greatest interest among the participants of the webinar. He shared his experience in the implementation of the “AgroNTI - digital agriculture” system.

In a lively discussion, Korshunov Vladimir Gennadievich, General Director of InfoBis Company (Saratov), gave a presentation on “Digitization of Agriculture. History of the Agrosignal project: AgroTech market and Alexey Nikolaevich Bobryshev (Stavropol), director of the PRO-Analytics enterprise with an overview of the best practices in the development of digital competencies in leading agricultural universities of Russia.

The webinar participants focused on the main opportunities and difficulties in the implementation of digitization of agriculture. The issues of payback of digital technologies used in the agro-industrial complex, the emergence of new professional competencies of employees necessary for the introduction of digital technologies, the lack of qualified personnel to use elements of "smart" agriculture have led to a lively discussion. According to the participants of the webinar, the event was useful and relevant, not only for start-up entrepreneurs, but also for those who have significant experience in organizing and developing business in the field of agro-industrial complex.

- Digitalization is the next stage in the penetration of information technology into our lives. Agriculture is no exception. Special attention to this area from the government of the Stavropol Territory and the business community gives us the opportunity to say that the IT sector in the agro-industrial complex in the Stavropol region is actively developing,” said the director of the regional Entrepreneurship Support Fund Victoria Maksimenko.

Дата новости для фото:  02.11.2018
Номер новости для фото:  6

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