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Lecturers of Agrarian University - researchers of higher education


Employees of Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the IX International Russian Conference of Higher Education Researchers (IVO Conference), which was held on October 23-25, 2018 in Moscow at the National Research University Higher School of Economics with the support of the Association of Educational Researchers.

Head of the organization and control of the educational process Tunina Nelli Alexandrovna and head of the management department Nazarenko Anton Vladimirovich took part in the plenary session of the conference, whose key speakers included Hans de Wit, Philip Altbach, Nuno Krato, Isak Davidovich Frumin, Maria Markovna Yudkevich.

At the IVO conference in 2018, topical issues were discussed: the internationalization of higher education; school, university, market: bridging gaps; educational experience and achievements of students; universities and regional economics; returns to higher education; changes in the academic profession; university management in a conflict of purpose.

Within the framework of the conference, round tables were held in various areas of educational development. The staff of Stavropol State Agrarian University participated in the round table meeting “Regional Analytics and Higher Education Policy”, moderated by Kirill Zinkovsky (HSE, Moscow). In the course of the work, problems of the development of higher education in the regions of the Russian Federation were discussed in the conditions of intensive migration and the formation of stable flows of applicants and graduates of higher educational institutions. As an introductory report, the participants of the round table were presented a series of analytical presentations on regional systems of higher education, developed by students of the Master's program “Management in Higher Education” and staff of the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Experts: Irina Abankina (HSE, Moscow), Sergey Barinov (HSE, Moscow), Alexander Gordeyev (KFU named after V.I. Vernadsky, Simferopol), Tatyana Klyachko (RANEPA, Moscow), Oleg Leshukov (HSE, Moscow), M. Yu. Kozhevnikov (“Enlightenment” Publishing House, Moscow).

According to the results of the conference, the participants identified the problems of educational policy, including the problems of internationalization of education, bridging the gaps between school, university and the labor market, changes in the academic profession, and suggested ways to overcome the existing difficulties in this direction. 

Дата новости для фото:  02.11.2018
Номер новости для фото:  24

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