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Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University met with representatives of “Combat Brotherhood”


On October 31, a meeting of students of the accounting and financial faculty and the faculty of agrobiology and land resources of Stavropol State Agrarian University was held with Assistant Governor of the Stavropol Territory, Chairman of the Stavropol branch of the All-Russian social organization of veterans "Combat Brotherhood" Nikolai Ivanovich Borisenko.

The event was organized by the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of SSAU, Ph.D. Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History N.G. Guzynin, Administration of the Accounting and Finance Faculty, Department of Financial Management and Banking, Department of Philosophy and History.

Guest talked with the guys on the military-patriotic themes. The students asked a lot of questions: how is the military service now under way, what kind of military-patriotic centres can young people visit when the military-patriotic games Zarnitsa, Orlyonok and others are revived.

During the meeting, the teachers of our university Guzynin N.G., Kurchev V.I., Zolotarev S.P., Skrebtsova T.V. told the students about the history of the holiday “Day of National Unity” and its importance for the Russian state. A second-year student of the accounting and financial department, Valeria Khvorost, read a poem dedicated to the upcoming holiday for everyone present.

At the end of the event, a quiz was held on the topic: "We remember and honor the history of our state." According to the results of the quiz winners were determined in the team and individual championship. They were students of the accounting and financial faculty: 1st place - Efendiyev Inal, 2nd course 7th group “Economic Security”, 2nd place - Antyufeeva Victoria, 2nd year 7th group “Economic Security”, 3rd place - Baranova Daria, 2nd year 7th group “Economic security". The team championship was won by a team of accounting and financial faculty of the 2nd course of the 7th group of “Economic Security”.

At parting, Nikolai Ivanovich wished the children to always remember and honor the glorious pages of the history of our great country, to be worthy sons and followers of traditions, to remain loyal to the principles and share the breadth of the soul. 

Дата новости для фото:  02.11.2018
Номер новости для фото:  22

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