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"What? Where? When? ”In the world of finance


The Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted the youth game “What? Where? When?". All the questions that participants were looking for answers were united by one theme: the world of finance. The game was held as part of the All-Russian Savings Week. It was organized by the Institute of Additional Professional Education of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

An intellectual competition was held for the students of Stavropol by the owners of the site - the deputy chairman of the primary trade union organization of students, Vladimir Avakian, and the technician of the educational and social affairs department, Yan Nikonov.

Evaluated the responses of the jury teams, whose work was led by Deputy Minister of Finance of the Region Yu.I. Suslov. Members of the panel of judges were representatives of the Training Center of the Ministry of Finance of the region G.I. Vasilyeva and I.K. Babich, regional coordinator of the regional program to improve financial literacy of the population N. I. Gerasimenko. The head of the department of secondary vocational education of the Ministry of Education of the region O.A. Malik and the Deputy Head of the Consumer Rights Protection Division of the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Stavropol Territory O.A. Strelnikova.

Yu.I. Suslov greeted the participants and fans. He spoke about the importance attached by the Ministry to raising the level of financial literacy of the population. He urged to diversify educational work with young people, including using game forms.

In a creative duel four teams came together. These are students of the North Caucasus Federal and Stavropol Medical Universities. Teams of accounting, financial and economic faculties represented the agricultural university.

The game took place in three rounds. In the first, the presenters asked the participants of the game various questions related to the financial sphere. Under the conditions, the winner was the team that gave answers to them as quickly and correctly as possible.

In the second round, the brain-ring game took place. The draw identified a pair of participants. Under the terms of the game, the team that managed to quickly turn on the warning light received the right to the first answer.

In the third round, the team that scored the most points in the first two, took pride of place at the central table. With the help of a top, its representatives determined the sequence of questions that they needed to be answered. If the experts were wrong, the rest of the game received the right to express their opinion.

The winner was the team of the North Caucasus Federal University.

But not only in the intellect competitors competed. The site owners offered them and guests of the game a variety of musical numbers performed by students of the Agrarian University. The participants also had the opportunity to socialize in an informal setting at a sweet table.

Representatives of the Ministry of Finance of the Stavropol Territory highly appreciated the results of the game held at the Agrarian University. 

Дата новости для фото:  07.11.2018
Номер новости для фото:  15

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