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Student intellectual game "Fascinating economy"


As part of the celebration of the Day of the Economist for the students of the Faculty of Economics of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the intellectual game "Fascinating Economy" was held. The organizers of the intellectual game among the students of the areas of preparation "Economics" and "Trade" were the teachers of the Department of Economic Theory and Economics of the Agro-Industrial Complex Associate Professor Rybasova Yulia Viktorovna, Professor Kurennaya Victoria Vitalyevna and Associate Professor Cherednichenko Olga Alexandrovna.

The goal of the game is to consolidate the theoretical knowledge and skills obtained in the course of studying the discipline "Economics of Organizations" and acquaint students with the history of the emergence of a professional holiday - the Day of the Economist.

In a welcoming speech to the participants of the event, the Dean of the Economic Faculty, Doctor of Economics, Professor Kusakina Olga Nikolaevna congratulated all those present on their professional holiday and turned to the origins of the Free Economic Society, of which she has been a member for many years. In her address, Olga Nikolaevna reaffirmed the importance and significance of the profession of an economist in the activities of organizations and the economy as a whole. She noted that today only competent specialists who possess universal economic knowledge and skills, possess strategic thinking, are able to carry out qualitative analysis and build a forecast for the future are in demand. She wished students in the future to reach educational and professional heights.

In her opening remarks, Rybasova Yulia Viktorovna told the students that the Imperial Free Economic Society, which received the approval and patronage of Empress Catherine II, was founded on November 11, 1765. This organization primarily sought to enlighten and develop the principles of economic development of the state. Practical actions were also taken on the way to achieving the goal - the development and growth of the Russian economy.

The course of the intellectual game and its results were assessed by a competent jury composed of Yulia Fyodorovna Perepechenova - economist for financial work of LLC Agroholding «Energomera», Professor Kurennaya Victoria Vitalyevna, associate professors of the economic theory and economics department of the agroindustrial complex Olga Alexandrovna Cherednichenko and Antonova Irina Yuryevna.

During the game, the guys were offered tests of different content and level of difficulty, which they coped with excellently, showing knowledge and showing ingenuity, as well as the ability to work in a team. Individual tasks were offered to the teams' fans, which allowed all students to take an active part in the game.

According to the results of the competition, the team of the “Trade Business” training direction was recognized, the rest of the places of honor were taken by teams of students from the “Economics” direction of the “Economics of enterprises and organizations” and “World economy” profiles.

Favorite awards were also received by fans. They brought additional points to their teams – Anton Kovalev, Ali Gurbanov and Arsen Kamalyan.

Teams and active fans were awarded with diplomas for participation and victory in the game.

The playing form of conducting classes has once again proved its feasibility and effectiveness in the use of the educational process: the competences acquired during the game best contribute to the professional training of economic specialists. 

Дата новости для фото:  07.11.2018
Номер новости для фото:  10

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