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Students of Stavropol State Agrarian University are one with the province and the country!


More than 14 thousand people gathered in the regional center for a rally dedicated to the “youngest” national holiday – the Day of National Unity, designed to emphasize the unity of the multinational Russian people. Among the guests of the event were the first persons of the region, the leaders of the leading spiritual confessions of Stavropol and representatives of the national diasporas inhabiting the region. Stavropol State Agrarian University also took part in this significant event.

Stavropol on a large scale celebrated on November 4. From the very early morning, residents and visitors of the city could visit the national farmstead and communicate with representatives of numerous peoples of our region. In addition to old-fashioned utensils, handicrafts, paintings and books, stands “Caucasus through the eyes of young people” stretched between the tents of the farmsteads - the exposition included photographs made by local residents.

A student of the Agrarian University took part in the city youth photocross, dedicated to the Day of National Unity and held on Alexander Square and its surroundings.

The tasks of the competition were aimed at knowledge of the culture of the peoples of the North Caucasus. At each stage, it was necessary to take a photo or video: with the flags of all the republics of the North Caucasus Federal District, depicting folk dances, or to stage a national wedding.

In total, 18 teams representing educational institutions of secondary special and higher education of the city of Stavropol took part in the uniting event.

Our university was represented by three teams, which eventually occupied the entire winning pedestal:

1st place of the city youth photocross - the Kolos team (faculty of agricultural mechanization);

2nd place - the team "Heritage Golovin" (team of freshmen);

3rd place - “Reasonable team” (University Team).

The guys won three instant printing cameras, bowling and quest certificates. 

Дата новости для фото:  06.11.2018
Номер новости для фото:  14

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