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Interactive lesson in the branch of «Sberbank of Russia»


On November 2, 2018, in the framework of the All-Russian Savings Week, students of the 1st course of the specialty “Banking” of the secondary vocational education department of the Stavropol State Agrarian University attended a master class from «Sberbank of Russia» on the topic “Working in a modern financial and credit organization is prestigious”, which was conducted by the head of Additional Office No. 5230/0131 Yulia Viktorovna Astashkina. The event was organized by teachers of the Department of Financial Management and Banking, Head of the Department, Professor Yu.M. Sklyarova and Associate Professor L.A. Latysheva.

Julia Viktorovna told about the tasks and activities of the additional office of the bank serving individuals. As part of the master class, students were introduced to the main banking products, customer service of the bank, insurance of banking services, and also they were warned against financial fraud. Julia Viktorovna expanded knowledge of future specialists in the field of banking. In the form of a dialogue, an interview was held about the prospects of employment in the bank.

Interactive lesson contributed not only to the deepening of students' knowledge in the field of cash services, but also contributed to the development of competencies in the field of banking activities in general.

The All-Russian Savings Week for Children and Young People is a set of free information and educational events. With the help of financial quests, open lectures and lessons, seminars, master classes, contests and business games, students are taught competent financial behavior.

Дата новости для фото:  06.11.2018
Номер новости для фото:  12

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