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The team of Stavropol State Agrarian University - the gold medalists of the sports game "Health in our hands"


In late October - early November 2018, a large sports event “Health in our hands” was held, organized by Stavropol State Medical University. The active team in it was taken by the team KSK "KOLOS" of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

First of all, the participants of the competition passed the “Ready for Labor and Defense” norms. The tests were as follows:

- tilt forward from standing on the gymnastic bench;

- shuttle run 3x10;

- Long jump with a push with two legs;

- raising the body from the prone position;

- shooting from the "sitting" position with the support of the elbows on the table from the "electronic weapon".

After the above tests, participants waited for “Merry starts”. The program included various contests and races, but the guys also competed in strength, dexterity, ingenuity and speed.

Following were volleyball competitions, and at the end of the day - swimming at 50m.

According to the results of all competitions, the team KSK “KOLOS” of Stavropol State Agrarian University won prizes in each nomination:

- 1 place in the team event games;

- 1 place in the team standings "Ready for Labor and Defense";

- 1 place in the "Merry starts";

- 2nd place in bench press competitions;

- 2nd place in the competition for tamping volleyball;

- 3rd place for the "business card".

In addition, Elizaveta Yulyugina was recognized as the best in passing the 5th stage TRP standards, and Alisa Kivalova took 2nd place in the 5th stage “Ready for Labor and Defense” standards.

Each team gave 100%, showed cohesion, organization and friendly relations in the team. We are sure that each participant received a sea of ​​positive emotions, had a wonderful time and improved his physical performance. Congratulations to the winners and wish further victories! 

Дата новости для фото:  06.11.2018
Номер новости для фото:  8

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