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Yesterday, October 5, a large-scale sporting event took place on the territory of the Komsomolsky pond, which united sports student teams from all over the Stavropol Territory.

The regional sports contest of student groups gathered in one place - 25 teams, 300 people, 12 stations, 27 well-deserved prizes, an infinite number of emotions.

The organizers and implementers of the project are:

- Student sports club "Kolos";

- Stavropol State Agrarian University;

- Primary trade union organization of students of Stavropol State Agrarian University;

- Headquarters of student groups in Stavropol;

- "Center for youth projects."

The Games were held to promote a healthy lifestyle, develop interest in physical culture and sports in the city of Stavropol and Stavropol Territory, form a culture of healthy lifestyle for young people and moral values of the student group movement, as well as increase the level of social activity.

The participants of the event are the youth of the Stavropol Territory at the age of 16 to 25 years old, who are members of student groups and also have a membership card of the movement “Russian student groups”.

The guests of honor were invited to the grand opening of the event:

- Mikhail Alexandrovich Kutsenko - master of sports of international level in freestyle wrestling, coach of the national team of the Stavropol Territory in freestyle wrestling, senior lecturer at the Department of Physical Education and Sports of the Stavropol State Agrarian University;

- Anna Sergeyevna Lyashenko - senior specialist for work with youth of the state budgetary institution of the Stavropol Territory "Center for Youth Projects".

Relay races, jumps, tug-of-war, pull-ups and many more tasks were to be carried out by our participants both by the whole team and each athlete on their own.

Participants set new personal records, for example, Yulia Larukova from the student leader’s squad "Dream" made 158 jumps on a rope. This result was the best at the Games.

Competitions were held in two nominations - team and individual competitions. During the passage of the stations the winners were identified:

Team Total:

1st place – Student Sports Pedagogical Detachment "Vertical" of the GBPOU St. George's College;

2nd place – Student's specialized construction team of the State Agrarian University "Trowel";

3rd place – team "Stavropol Construction College".

In the individual competition, 21 participants received a well-deserved diploma of the winner and gifts from the partner of the Olympics "Center for Youth Projects", the trading network of supermarkets "Zakroma", "Kopeikin House", certificates from the «Chronos» watch shop.

Students of the Agrarian University showed a decent level and won prizes:

Diana Sheshkil from the “Mechanism” squad took 2nd place in the nomination “Raising the torso from the supine position”;

In the nomination “Pulling up on a high crossbar”, prizes were taken by several teams at once - 1st place – Arman Grigoryan from “Mechta”, 2nd place – Anisim Morkvin from “Trowel” squadron, 6th place – Khachik Asirbabayan from “Kolos”;

Valery Pashchenko from the “Zabota” squadron took 2nd place in the nomination “16 kg weights jerk” and 2nd place in the nomination “Bending and extending the arms in the rest position”;

The “Mechanism” squad took 2nd place in the “Team Basketball Ring” nomination;

Three prizes were taken by the teams of our university in the nomination "Team long jump from the spot" - 2nd place – "Trowel", 4th place – "Mechanism", 6th place – "Ear";

2 and 3 places in the nomination "Throwing a Stuffed Ball with Two Hands from Behind the Head to the Distance" were taken by Dmitry Zhabin from the group "Trowel" and Valery Pashchenko from the group "Care";

In the Jumping Rope nomination our students took six prizes - 1st place - Yulia Larukova, 2nd place – Diana Sheshkil, 3rd place – Victoria Milonidi, 4th place – Anastasia Zubenko, 6th place – Tatyana Khodus, 7th place – Margarita Cotubei.

We hope that this event caused the participants extremely positive emotions and will be remembered by them for a long time. Congratulations on your victories and wish you continued success, new records and big victories! 

Дата новости для фото:  06.10.2018
Номер новости для фото:  2

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