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Students of Agrarian University took the part in public budget hearings


On November 8, 2018, public hearings were held on the draft law “On the budget of the Stavropol Territory for 2019 and the planned period of 2020 and 2021”. The event was attended by deputies of the regional parliament headed by the Chairman of the Duma Gennady Yagubov, representatives of control bodies, regional ministries and federal departments, local governments, public organizations and educational institutions.

The students of the accounting and financial faculty of the Economics direction of the Finance and Credit profile and the economic faculty of the State and Municipal Management department of the Stavropol State Agrarian University together with teachers: the head and associate professor of the finance, credit and insurance department Glotova Irina Ivanovna and Tomilina Elena Petrovna , as well as Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and the World Economy Nikolai Vasilyevich Eremenko, - public hearings on the draft budget of Stavro attended Polish region. The children could see with their own eyes how one of the important stages of the budget process is going on - the discussion and coordination of the draft budget.

The head of the parliamentary committee on budget, taxes, and financial and credit policy, Yury Bely, led the hearings, with the keynote address being delivered by the Deputy Chairman of the Government, Minister of Finance of the Stavropol Territory, Larisa Kalinchenko.

During the hearings, assessments were made of the main financial document by representatives of ministries and departments, municipalities and the public. Also raised issues related to the search for additional sources of replenishment of the regional treasury and the reduction of inefficient costs.

Summing up the hearings, Yuri Bely noted that all the proposals that had been heard would be studied and, in particular, transferred to the relevant Duma committees, where the further budget adjustment would continue for some time.

It has long been no secret how important in practice is a practice-oriented approach. Public hearings on the draft budget of the Stavropol Territory are an indicative event for students: you can become a direct participant in the budget process. In practice, many functions and powers of those involved in the process of drafting the budget have become clear. The students of the Agrarian University were interested to learn about the planned projects of the Stavropol Territory.

Дата новости для фото:  09.11.2018
Номер новости для фото:  28

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