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Volunteer of Stavropol State Agrarian University as part of the Directorate of the Russian national award "Student of the Year"


From November 7 to November 9, 2018, an internal stage of the Russian national award "Student of the Year" for representatives of professional educational organizations was held in Astrakhan. The head of the volunteer squad "Volunteer" of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Inna Kuliyeva joined the Directorate as head of the jury service.

This year, the award was first held separately from the award for university students, and jury members from a number of actors, broadcasters, prominent athletes and public figures evaluated performances by contestants. Among them: Olympic champion in single skating Adeline Sotnikova, actors of the series “Fizruk” Anastasia Panina and Andrey Kryzhny, actor of the series “Univer” Alexander Stekolnikov, theater and film actress Olga Budina and many others.

The closing ceremony turned out to be really bright and enchanting. And our volunteer had a wonderful opportunity not only to work with star jury members, but to see the new award format and share stories with applicants for participation in 2019. 

Дата новости для фото:  13.11.2018
Номер новости для фото:  9

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