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"UMNIKI" of Stavropol State Agrarian University presented their projects at the regional finals


A regional scientific-practical conference “Innovative ideas of young people of the Stavropol Territory for the development of the Russian economy” was held within the framework of the program of the Federal Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere “Member of the youth science and innovation competition”, which will determine the winners of the federal program "UMNIK".

Contestants were greeted by members of the presidium:

- Kuvaldina Irina Vladimirovna, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory;

- Goncharov Viktor Ivanovich, Deputy Chairman of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory;

- Koshel Vladimir Ivanovich, Rector of the Stavropol State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor;

- Kuzyakova Lyudmila Mikhailovna, Head of the Representative Office of the Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere in the Stavropol Territory, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor;

- Nasonov Artur Leonidovich, Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on Culture, Youth Policy, Physical Culture and Mass Media of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory; member of the social policy committee;

- Muravyova Valentina Nikolaevna, Chairman of the Duma Committee of the Stavropol Territory on Social Policy and Health Care;

- Irina A. Tarasova, Deputy Head of the Youth Policy Directorate of the Government of the Stavropol Territory.

Irina Vladimirovna Kuvaldina greeted the finalists on behalf of the Governor of the Stavropol Territory Vladimir Vladimirovich Vladimirov and conveyed parting words to young innovators.

Kuzyakova Lyudmila Mikhailovna presented the jury members in 7 nominations. From Stavropol State Agrarian University, the commissions included:

- Loshakov Alexander Viktorovich, General Director of LLC NPO "Cadastral Bureau", Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Land Management and Cadastre;

- Shlaev Dmitry Valerievich, deputy general director of LLC NPO "ITvizion", Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, head of the department of information systems and technologies;

- Krivoruchko Alexander Yuryevich, General Director of the NGO "Regional Center for Veterinary Medicine", Doctor of Biological Sciences;

- Kulaev Egor Vladimirovich, General Director of the Scientific and Technical Center “Cybercad”, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, Deputy Chairman of the Jury;

- Vorotnikov Igor Nikolaevich, General Director of LLC NPP "MERACONT", Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Automation and Metrology;

- Selivanova Maria Vladimirovna, General Director of LLC NPO Agrokhimbio, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Production and Processing of Food Products from Vegetable Raw Materials, Chairman of the Jury;

- Dilekova Olga Vladimirovna, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Department of Anatomy, Pathology, Parasitorology and Veterinary Examination named after Professor S.N. Nikolsky;

- Mastepanenko Maxim Alekseevich, General Director of NPO Electropulse, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Electric Power, Deputy Chairman of the Jury.

The opening ceremony was held solemnly and was accompanied by musical numbers of the hosts of the event.

Then, throughout the day, there was an open defense of 98 projects in 7 areas: “Digital Technologies”, “Medicine and Health Care Technologies”, “New Materials and Chemical Technologies”, “New Instruments and Intellectual Production Technologies”, “Biotechnologies”, “ Transition to the second year ”and the new direction“ Resource Saving Energy ”.

UMNIKI of Stavropol State Agrarian University was defended by 24 projects.

The results of the competition and its winners will be announced by the Directorate of the Federal Fund for the Promotion of the Development of Small Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere in November-December 2018.

Дата новости для фото:  16.11.2018
Номер новости для фото:  21

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