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The best leaders of the SFD and the North Caucasus Federal District gathered at the Forum


The 3rd year student of the Faculty of Technology Management of Stavropol State Agrarian University Aghasi Galstyan, commissar of the leader detachment “Dream”, returned from the Interregional Forum of Student Teaching Units “Smile to Childhood”.

From 14 to 16 November 2018, the Interregional Forum of Student Teaching Units “Smile to Childhood” was held in Armavir. The event was attended by 12 best representatives of student teaching groups of Stavropol Territory. Over the course of three busy days, counselors from the Southern and North Caucasus federal districts participated in round-table discussions, fascinating master classes, and detachment singing.

Participants shared their experience in working with children, organizing children's activities, and features of training counselors in their regions.

The final stage of the forum was the competition “The Best Leader”, a leader's skill competition, where the contestants had to demonstrate their creative abilities and skills as a leader in two tests. 

Дата новости для фото:  20.11.2018
Номер новости для фото:  17

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