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Livestock scientists recalled the academic heritage of Academician Popov


The head of the department of animal feeding and general biology of Stavropol State Agrarian University, doctor of agricultural sciences, Associate Professor A.P. Marynich became a member of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific and Creative Heritage of Academician VASHNIL Ivan Semenovich Popov” held at the Timiryazev Academy and dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the outstanding zootechnician, a leading expert in the field of farm animal feeding, a teacher and a public figure.

The event was also attended by scientists from VIZH named after L.K. Ernst, Moscow GAVMiB-MBA named after K.I. Scriabin, Kuban SAU named after I.T. Trubilin, Bryansk State Agrarian University, Volgograd State Agrarian University, Ural State Agrarian University, Lugansk National Agrarian University, All-Russian NITIP, Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy, Avita LLC (KormoResurs), Biotrof LLC, Lafid LLC.

The conference addressed the following issues: the role of the database in optimizing the diets of highly productive cows; targeted feed for dairy cows; the effects of mineral additives on the productivity and quality of milk of lactating cows; sources of non-cleavable protein in feeding cows and heifers; cicatricial digestion in sheep when feeding probiotic complexes; effects of anti-stress premixes, acidulants, probiotics on the productivity and digestibility of nutrients of mixed feed of broiler chickens.

At the plenary session, he shared his memories of the great scientist I.S. Popov Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Physiology and Feeding of Farm Animals of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin V.G. Rowers. He gave an assessment of the enormous contribution of the outstanding scientist to the development of the world science of animal feeding. In addition, the speaker dwelt on the factorial principle of feeding farm animals, which is widely used by scientists from different countries of the world.

An interesting and informative report was made by the rector of the Yakut State Agricultural Academy Sleptsov I.I. on the use of zeolite-based mineral supplements in feeding cattle.

A sectional meeting of the conference was held by one of its organizers, the head of the department for feeding and breeding animals, Dr. of agricultural Sciences, Professor Buryakov Nikolai Petrovich. The scientist noted the special nature of the event, which brought together the reports of the best experts in the field of animal feeding and leading representatives of the business community. 

Дата новости для фото:  20.11.2018
Номер новости для фото:  14

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