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Conversations about the spiritual and vital as the basis for the formation of a moral personality


November 20, 2018, a meeting took place between Archpriest Nikolai Chemodanov, Candidate of Theological Sciences, Lecturer at Stavropol Theological Seminary, Abbot of the Holy Cross Church of Stavropol with students of the Faculty of Economics at Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The modern world carries many threats to the formation of a moral worldview. As a result of the transformations of our state during the 20th century, we lost many spiritual and moral ideals. This threatens to regress humanity, intolerance and bitterness of people, disintegration of the inner world of the individual, vacuum of spirituality. The younger generation is subject to the influence of a large amount of information, the essence of which lies in the priority of earthly interests over moral and spiritual values.

In the process of talking with students, Father Nikolai raised many problematic issues. He paid special attention to the need for self-awareness of his life, the determination of value attitudes. Human development is the result of his activities, and the external environment creates only the conditions in which this process takes place. That is why the complexity of the conditions of the modern world forms the background, but is not an obstacle to the formation of highly moral personalities. A barrier to this can only be the lack of desire of self-improvement.

During the meeting, Father Nikolai touched upon many facts from the history of our country, linked them with the events of the present, and also cited many examples from his life experience. At the end of the meeting, everyone could ask questions, including in a personal conversation. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.11.2018
Номер новости для фото:  16

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