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Technological audit of chickens "DOMINANT CZ"


On the initiative of the Director of Agrokormservis Plus LLC Vran A.V., Professor of the Department of Private Zootechny, Selection and Breeding of Animals Epimahova E.E. conducted a technological audit of the condition of young stock crosses “DOMINANT CZ” imported from the Czech Republic in the branch "Pyatigorsky" in the presence of the manager Grishina V.A., graduate students Barsukova MG, student Gridasova A.S.

Bird rearing is carried out in the new Evrovent-Parents 1250 cages. It is established that the bird is clinically healthy and corresponds to the age of growth and development. Already in December, test egg laying for incubation will be carried out, and from January, a daily young growth of autosex crosses “Sussex D-104”, “Black D-109”, “Blue D-107” will be offered to the population of the South of Russia. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.11.2018
Номер новости для фото:  8

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