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Representatives of the Agrarian University at the X All-Russian Forum “You are an entrepreneur”


Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and Economics of the Agro-Industrial Complex of Stavropol State Agrarian University Rybasova Yulia Viktorovna and Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and World Economy Baicherova Anzhelika Rashitovna took part in the 10th Anniversary All-Russian Forum “You are an entrepreneur” held in Lipetsk region.

The purpose of the annual forum is to popularize and promote the development of small business and cooperation, exchange of experience for replication in Russia the best practices for the integrated formation of entrepreneurial initiatives of young people.

This year the forum started with the key topic “Business and Management of the Future” and a record number of participants - more than 500 people, including schoolchildren, students, beginners and existing entrepreneurs participating in the federal program “You are an entrepreneur”, project coordinators in the regions.

The forum was attended by representatives of federal departments and authorities of various regions of the Russian Federation, including:

- Acting Governor of Lipetsk Region Igor Artamonov with the master class "Business and Management of the Future",

- Deputy Director of the Department of Investment Policy and Entrepreneurship Development of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Olesya Teterina, speaking on the topic: “National project: new opportunities for the development of entrepreneurship in the country. How business will be supported until 2024 ",

- Elena Bocherova, Vice-President of the All-Russian Public Organization “Business Russia”, founder of the Federal Program “You are an entrepreneur” with the master class “Enterprise as a principle of life”,

- Deputy General Director of Business Environment, Alexey Gryshchenko, with the theme of the presentation “How to develop an outstanding product”,

- Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank Anatoly Popov, who spoke in detail about the existing financial, information software for small and medium businesses and many others.

The 10th Anniversary All-Russian Forum “You are an entrepreneur” has become a unique platform for discussing the development of entrepreneurship in Russia today, finding the most effective tools to help young people realize their entrepreneurial abilities, get advice on various issues related to organizing and supporting their own business.

Дата новости для фото:  21.11.2018
Номер новости для фото:  2

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