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Interactive lesson on the subject "Production of livestock products"


November 23, 2018, Associate Professor of the Department of Private Animal Science, Animal Selection and Breeding, Stavropol State Agrarian University Rastovarov E.I. held an interactive lesson on the subject "Production of livestock products " for students of the 4th year of study of "Technology of production and processing of agricultural products" on the topic: "Technology of production of meat, skins and fluff in the rabbit breeding".

During the course, students studied technological systems implemented in rabbit breeding, methods of keeping rabbits used, including, in vivariums of the faculties of veterinary medicine and technological management of Stavropol State Agrarian University, assessed the pedigree composition of animals represented in this educational division of the faculties, tested methods for evaluating productivity and quality characteristics of rabbit hair coat, depending on the direction of productivity.

Further, students under the supervision of Rastovarov E.I. estimated own productivity of young stock according to the body weight and body length.

According to the results of the class, the students carried out the entire list of individual tasks on the topic under consideration. All the questions asked by the students were discussed in the group, and they received comprehensive answers. 

Дата новости для фото:  23.11.2018
Номер новости для фото:  23

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