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The Agrarian University summed up the V All-Russian Savings Week


The V All-Russian Savings Week ended in Stavropol Territory. The educational campaign took place across the country since October 29 as part of the project of the Ministry of Finance of Russia to improve the level of financial literacy. This year, the traditional week format has been extended to fifteen days.

The key theme of the Savings Week this year was personal financial security. With the support of the partners of the Week: Sberbank employees, Bank Post, Alfa Bank, investment companies, educational events were held in all municipal districts of Stavropol. During the Week everyone could get useful and necessary knowledge from experts in the financial field: relevant regional departments, experts, participants in the financial market, business representatives and public organizations for the protection of consumer rights.

Stavropol State Agrarian University has traditionally made the opening of the Week in the region. Teachers of the department of financial management and banking together with the fighters of the student volunteer team "Financier" and the Institute of Continuing Professional Education conducted a series of events in the form of trainings, seminars, master classes, quests and games. The financial quest “Financial Stars”, the youth intellectual game “What? Where? When? ”, The financial literacy quiz game, the pedestrian quest game“ Be friends with finances ”and many others, in which students of the accounting and finance department took an active part, having shown good results.

The Ministry of Finance of Stavropol Territory highly appreciated the results of the work done by the Agrarian University. Deputy Minister of Finance of Stavropol Territory Yuri Ivanovich Suslov and coordinator of the regional program "Improving the financial literacy of the population of Stavropol Territory and the development of financial education in Stavropol Territory" Nadezhda Ivanovna Gerasimenko handed letters of thanks and gifts to teachers and students of the university for their contribution to the development of the financial literacy and conducting educational activities. 

Дата новости для фото:  23.11.2018
Номер новости для фото:  12

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