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Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev: “Employers are waiting for our graduates!”


Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Academician of RAS, Honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Association of agrarian universities of Russia “Agricultural Education”, Hero of labor of Stavropol, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev became a guest of the program “Hot line. Special issue” on TV channel “Своё TV”.

With the interviewer Leonid Guselnikov they talked about the problems in education in general and the important tasks facing higher education and science.

Who are the applicants of the University, future students? How does Stavropol State Agrarian University manage to keep a high level of quality of education and a leading position in the national rankings of universities? What is special and useful in Stavropol GAU that others do not have? What should be done today to compete with European universities and enter the European, Asian, World University rankings? How is applied science developing? – this and many other questions are asked on the channel “Своё TV”. 

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