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A student of Stavropol State Agrarian University - federal trainer AT RSM


The 6th All-Russian School of Trainers of the Association of Trainers of the Russian Union of Youth was held in Moscow as part of the All-Russian Forum “Student Russia”. Having successfully completed the in-person stage of the competition, the 1st year student of the accounting and finance department of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Yana Nikonova, participated in the competition and took part in the School.

The competitive stage consisted of three obligatory components:

1. Passing the training program for 5 days;

2. Face-to-face protection - presentation of 30 minute training for mentors and school participants;

3. Interview - a personal conversation with one of the experts of the country's youth policy on coaching, the future of youth policy.

Following the results of the competition and the whole school, Yana Nikonova received accreditation and the title of federal trainer, thereby discovering federal and regional sites for herself as a student youth coach. 

Дата новости для фото:  03.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  23

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