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Practical lesson at the enterprise "Stavropolstroyoptorg"


Students of the training direction "Management" of Stavropol State Agrarian University in conjunction with the associate professors of the department "Production Management" Altukhova L.A. and Semko I.A. visited the enterprise "Stavropolstroyoptorg". A meaningful and fascinating tour of the enterprise was conducted by Deputy General Director for Transport Alexander Aguritsev, Deputy General Director for Personnel Vishnivetsky Dmitry Vladimirovich and Deputy Head of the Economic Department Skrebtsov Konstantin Yuryevich. The field lesson was organized by the head of the Project Management Department, Candidate of Laws, Associate Professor S.V. Levushkina.

CJSC "Stavropolstroyoptorg" is the largest diversified wholesale and retail company in the Stavropol Territory and in the South of Russia, which has been operating for over 25 years on the market of Russia and the near abroad. Currently, more than 800 people work in the organization. The company is developing dynamically and striving to meet the increasing demands of customers.

During the tour, representatives of the organization introduced the students to the main activities. Showrooms were shown. In the first hall, machine parts and small agricultural machinery are shown. Overall equipment is demonstrated on open areas. The Deputy General Director for Transport spoke in sufficient detail about the sales technologies and the constant updating of the equipment being sold in accordance with the improvement of crop cultivation technologies. In the second exhibition hall there is a rather wide range of goods from building materials to household appliances. On average, the organization has 85 thousand items of goods in warehouses. For the supply and sale of goods, CJSC "Stavropolstroyoptorg" uses not only a large personal fleet, but also access railway lines, which significantly expands the organization’s logistic capabilities.

In addition to the basic principles of work, students learned about the social policy implemented by the enterprise. The delivery of personnel to and from the organization by buses from the neighbouring settlements is carried out. On the territory there is a Medical Prevention Centre, a sports complex, a dining room, a laundry room, a hairdresser and other social infrastructure facilities that allow forming an effective social package and developing a sense of belonging among employees.

In conclusion, the staff of the organization (graduates of our university) invited students to practice with the possibility of further employment. Students and taught expressed great gratitude for the event.

Дата новости для фото:  03.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  21

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