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Students of Agrarian University are laureates of the award “Student of the Year-2018”


The final of the All-Russian National Award "Student of the Year - 2018" was held in Kazan. Representatives of Stavropol State Agrarian University adequately addressed the event.

Agrarian University in the finals of the most prestigious student award presented:

Nikonova Yana - accounting and financial faculty, Gardubey Ekaterina – the faculty of economics, Khasanova Albina and Avdeev Yakov - electric power faculty, Grabovenko Elizaveta – the faculty of agricultural mechanization.

The program of competitive tests for all nominations was very intense and included the following tests: “Self-Presentation”, “Examination of Knowledge”, “Debate”, “Project Protection”, “Open Training”, “Open Lessons at School”, “Review”, "Interview", "Total Dictation", "Special Report", "Improvisation", "Decision Case", "Own Game", "Compliance with the TRP standards."

According to the results of the three days of the competition, the student of the first year of the master's program at the accounting and finance department, specialist of the educational work and social issues, the chairman of the student council of the faculty Yana Nikonova became the laureate of the award in the nomination “Social activist of the year”. 

Дата новости для фото:  03.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  15

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