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Representatives of Stavropol State Agrarian University - participants of the forum "boiling point"


Representatives of Stavropol State Agrarian University: Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Project Office of the Strategic Development and Project Activities Management Office Bobryshev Alexey Nikolaevich and Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of the Management Department Nazarenko Anton Vladimirovich, visited the boiling point forum - Belgorod.

The event was held under the auspices of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the JSC “Development of the Belgorod Region”.

During the event, our employees took part in a meeting of the Food-net working group where the concept of a roadmap was approved, as well as a presentation of the best projects on the basis of StartUp: land. In the near future, the Food-net roadmap will be submitted for approval to an interdepartmental working group.

Vladimir Nikolayevich Avdeenko, head of the department of science and technology policy of the agroindustrial complex of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, noted that the market of food production in the coming years will have to undergo a significant transformation. And in this regard, the roadmap of the perspective Food-net market should develop into concrete innovative projects.

Within the framework of the transformation program of Stavropol State Agrarian University, our university pays a lot of attention to projects related to the development of the promising market Food-net. The participation of university representatives in the meeting of the working group will allow more active work on the concept of the promising market of Food-net and develop breakthrough new directions.

One of the key tasks of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives is the expansion of the scientific and corporate community working in the field of forming a promising market Food-net.

Within the framework of the forum, our employees also took part in the round table on the topic “Skills of the future: what to prepare for in the new challenging world”, panel discussion “Search for new STI markets, presentation of the new STI matrix. AGRO NTI ”,“ Digital transformation of universities. Model of the University 20.35”, “Circle movement 2: 0 "School projects on the practices of the future", "Academy of mentors: the practice of mentoring and practice of project activities.”

Дата новости для фото:  03.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  13

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