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A young scientist from Stavropol SAU took part in the international forum


The representative of Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in The international youth forum "Agricultural science in innovative development of agriculture", which was held from 26-28 November 2018 on the basis of Belgorod state agrarian University named after V. Y. Gorin. The forum was attended by undergraduates, graduate students, and young scientists of 30 leading agricultural Universities of the country. Our University was represented at the forum by a young scientist, graduate student of the faculty of agricultural mechanization Andrey Nazarenko.

Speakers of the forum were: I. M. Sutugina - leading adviser of the Department of education of the Department of science and technology policy and education of the Ministry of agriculture of Russia; N. In. Skorokhodova - Deputy Director of the Association "agricultural education" and Andrey Manakhov – employee of the educational centre Sirius.

The forum touched upon the issues of international cooperation. The participants of the round table on international cooperation in the field of agricultural education were: Ingeborg Bauer – President of the State Academy for management in the field of food, agriculture and forestry of Bavaria; Martin Schüßler – head of the cooperative project "German-Russian agrarian-political dialogue".

Within the framework of the youth agrarian forum, a meeting of the all-Russian Council of young scientists and specialists of agricultural educational and scientific institutions was Held, where the Chairman of the all-Russian Council of young scientists and specialists of agricultural educational and scientific institutions Kirill Svirezhev spoke.

Дата новости для фото:  04.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  7

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