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Solemn awarding of winners of the all-Russian mathematical flashmob MathCat-2018


On December 4, Stavropol State Agrarian University held a solemn awarding ceremony for the winners of the all-Russian entertainment and educational campaign MathCat-2018, designed to promote mathematical knowledge among both young people and adults, in accordance with the government concept of development of mathematical education in the Russian Federation.

This year, November 24, Stavropol first joined the all-Russian mathematical flash mob MathCat-2018, which was attended by more than 18 thousand fans of mathematics from 73 regions of Russia. Stavropol participants were more than 150 people.

At the MathCat-2018 site organized at the Institute of Economics and Finance of Agrarian University, everyone was able to try themselves in performing unusual control work in mathematics. The choice of each participant was offered four sets of tasks - in terms of complexity from the easiest to the most complex, which had to be done in an hour and a half.

All participants in varying degrees coped with the tasks and the best of them received diplomas on December 4 winners.

To learn more about math flash mob MathCat on the site www.matchcat.info

Дата новости для фото:  05.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  6

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