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Demonstration exam WolrdSkills in the disciplines of "Entrepreneurship" and "Business Planning"


On December 4-5, the Department of Entrepreneurship and World Economy of Stavropol State Agrarian University held a demonstration exam on WolrdSkills standards, Russia on the competence of "Entrepreneurship".

The demonstration exam was held in the framework of interim certification in the disciplines of "Entrepreneurship" for students of the direction of "Economics" and "Business Planning" for the direction of "Information Systems and Technology." Assistant professors of the Department of Entrepreneurship and World Economy: Telnova N.N., Baicherova A.R., Vaitsekhovskaya S.S., Tenischev A.V. prepared ten students for this form of attestation. The chief expert of the WolrdSkills Union was appointed assistant professor Orel Yulia Viktorovna. To evaluate the participants according to the rules of the demonstration exam, experts were invited - current entrepreneurs of the city of Stavropol and teachers from other universities.

The main purpose of the demonstration exam is the assessment of knowledge and understanding through their application in practice. In groups of two, participants not only presented projects prepared in advance, but also developed their “companies”, solving every day various economic, marketing, organizational and financial tasks within the framework of the relevant module. In practice, this means that the competing teams worked in conditions close to the real work in the office, performing the tasks specified in the project.

The invited experts highly appreciated the presented works, and their valuable recommendations from the practical experience of entrepreneurs provided an opportunity to broaden students' understanding of business activities. Such practical experience will allow today's students to become successful business representatives in various sectors of the economy in the future. 

Дата новости для фото:  06.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  9

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