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A historical quiz on knowledge of the Basic Law of the country took place at the Agrarian University


A major role in the development of cognitive activity, initiative and the development of civic position of young people in Stavropol State Agrarian University is the organization and holding of events on patriotic and spiritual and moral education. In this connection, the meeting devoted to the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Russian electoral system has become topical.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the fundamental law of our state, endowed with the highest legal force and legal powers. It defines the foundations of the political, economic and legal structure of Russia. The current Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted in 1993 on December 12 as a result of a referendum.

This event was held in the form of a quiz and gathered many participants: schoolchildren from school № 6 and school № 7 from Pelagiada, Grammar school number 30 of Stavropol, as well as the combined team of the university and the team of the secondary vocational education department of our university.

Opening the solemn meeting, the head of the educational process management center, associate professor N.Yu. Khasai noted: “The current Constitution was adopted in difficult social and political conditions. And it was she who became one of the strongholds of stability and development of our Motherland, the basis of peace and interethnic harmony. "

The head of the department of philosophy and history associate professor S.P. Zolotarev. He told that the Russian Constitution is a solid foundation for the democratic development of the Russian state. This is not just a declaration of good intentions; it is a really working document of direct action. The Constitution for a citizen of any country is the Law that he should know first of all, because knowledge and competent application of laws is the norm of civilized life, a powerful lever for improving its quality.

At the end of the event, the organizers held a quiz on knowledge of the history of the adoption of the Constitution and its basic laws. Quiz participants noted that the Constitution is a solid foundation for the development of our state and is designed to protect the interests of every citizen of his country, ensure the unity of nations and strengthen the spirit of patriotism. 

Дата новости для фото:  07.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  25

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