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Open lecture on innovative technologies in agriculture


On discipline "Agrochemistry" for students of the direction of training Agronomy of profiles "Agronomy", "Fruit and Vegetable Growing" and "Plant Protection" of Stavropol State Agrarian University, an open lecture was held on the topic: "Innovative technologies to improve the efficiency of agricultural production in the Stavropol region".

Students were disclosed in detail issues related to remote sensing and geoinformatics. The guys got acquainted with the most important geoinformation community in Russia - Gis-Lab, the largest platform - Gis.StackExchange.com. We tried ourselves in the work of the social network Research Gate - as a means of cooperation of scientists from all scientific disciplines. Fixed common concepts and terms for understanding geographic information technologies through the ArcGIS system, information about the satellites Sentinel, Landsat.

The students learned in practice how to use the Geoportal of Russia (open remote sensing data portal, agricultural land atlas, public cadastral map). 

Дата новости для фото:  07.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  7

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