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Stavropol State Agrarian University discussed the prospects of working in the insurance business


Students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University learned about the prospects for working in the insurance business and the benefits of employment at Rosgosstrakh during a meeting with representatives of the business coach of the university Rosgosstrakh Svidina Marina Evgenievna and Samakayeva Adeley Barievna.

The event was attended by students of the accounting and financial faculty: 2 courses of the specialty “Economic Security” and 3 courses of the profile “Accounting, Analysis and Audit”, as well as students of the 1st course of the faculty of secondary vocational education with a specialty “Finance” and “Economics and Accounting (by branches) ".

The meeting was coordinated by the Department of Finance, Credit and Insurance.

Representatives of the insurance company told about what the company receives from cooperation with our university, which prospects, in turn, are opened for students and which formats of interaction with potential personnel are most effective.

The cooperation of Stavropol State Agrarian University and Rosgosstrakh has a long history.

Only in the last five years, 63 students came to work in the Stavropol branch after graduating from the university, which is 51% of the number of graduates from economic areas.

Insurance company specialists told students that the motive for choosing the insurer's profession is the desire to protect the future. Teaching how to plan for the future, calculate risks and manage financial investments is the main task of ROSGOSSTRAKH employees.

At the same time, representatives of the business community have denied the opinion of the student audience that the insurer's profession means only an insurance agent.

“Of course, it’s difficult to imagine the company's activities without insurance agents without our 65,000-strong army,” said Marina Evgenievna Svidina. - This is the main competitive advantage of ROSGOSSTRAKH and the most valuable asset, but not the only direction in the insurance business.

The insurer is both an underwriter who is involved in assessing risk in insurance, a manager responsible for working with insurance agents, an expert in the development of sales of insurance services, and a loss adjustment administrator. The insurer's profession is multifaceted, and an economist and a lawyer can find themselves in it, in principle, a person with any specialty, since there are many business processes.

Adeley Barievna stressed that the success of a person in this profession does not depend on experience, age or gender. Personal qualities play an important role - perseverance, perseverance, the ability to find non-standard solutions, an active lifestyle, the desire to gain new knowledge and experience, a focus on results.

Representatives of the insurance company told students that Rosgosstrakh is the oldest and largest Russian network insurance company operating according to uniform standards and rules throughout the country from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka, actively introducing modern digital technologies. The company is the leader of the insurance business, the largest insurer in Russia, which employs highly qualified specialists. Therefore, the company constantly cooperates with universities, organizes internships and internships for students, implements scholarship programs, conducts competitions for student research projects. Talented, active, proven students receive an invitation to work.

During the meeting, students received answers to all their questions: How to get into the state of the largest insurer? How is the interview in Rosgosstrakh? What determines the insurance agent's earnings?

The children also learned that a student insurance agency was working at the Stavropol State Agrarian University, which was opened jointly with the Rosgosstrakh company. In our agency there is an internship program for senior students, which is designed for 6 months and includes a specially designed course of study that allows you to put into practice theoretical knowledge, get information about insurance from insurers, practitioners, understand the business processes of the insurance company, study its document flow. 

Дата новости для фото:  10.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  19

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