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Representatives of Stavropol State Agrarian University at the International conference "eSTARS 2018"


On December 5-6, a delegation of Stavropol State Agrarian University as part of the Director of the Institute of Continuing Professional Education of Stavropol State Agrarian University Lisovoi O.M., Head of the Department for Organization and Control of the Educational Process Tunina N. and the Head of the Project Office of the Office of Strategic Development and Project Activity Bobryshev A.N. attended an international scientific conference on the development of online education "eSTARS 2018".

The conference was organized by the National Research University Higher School of Economics and the Coursera global educational platform.

The conference participants came to the conclusion that mass online courses will become even more popular as they improve the quality and accessibility of education, but they will not cancel the traditional forms of interaction between the teacher and the student.

During the conference, our delegation took part in a number of seminars and panel discussions, in particular:

- The role of universities in the development of human capital in a digital economy.

- Rector's panel “The role of universities in the development of human capital: innovation in the digital age”.

- University cooperation: joint projects and research in the context of the globalization of education.

- New concepts of training for the digital economy.

- Digitalization of education: global trends, strategies, prospects.

- Online learning platforms: a look into the future.

- Development of online learning market: opportunities and challenges for business.

- Digital University. Technology.

- Philosophy of online education, etc.

At the event, theses were heard that about 60-70 million people became students of mass online courses on global educational platforms in just ten years.

The conference participants cited many examples when, in their effectiveness, online learning is not inferior to traditional, and often exceeds it. Online courses are available at any time, it is an opportunity to listen to lectures of famous scientists for those who live far from intellectual centers.

Elements of digitalization in education increase student motivation. Online courses provide an opportunity to individualize the educational process, taking into account the student's behavior during study.

Stavropol State Agrarian University is doing a lot of work to embed online courses in the educational process. This does not mean ousting traditional lessons with an offline teacher; it will just be possible to devote them to solving creative tasks. 

Дата новости для фото:  10.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  16

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