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Brains trust on the household debt of the Stavropol territory


Yulia Mikhailovna Sklyarova, Head of the Department of Financial Management and Banking at Stavropol State Agrarian University, and Elena Nikolaevna Lapina, Associate Professor of the Department, took part in a live broadcast on Komsomolskaya Pravda - Stavropol Radio.

The main topic of discussion is the debt load of the population of the Stavropol Territory, the level of which, according to official data of the regional Ministry of Finance, has decreased from 34% to 20-24% since the start of the introduction of a program to improve financial literacy in the region. However, among the remaining problems are overdue loans. In the Russian Federation, the level of overdue debt on bank loans is 6%, in the Stavropol Territory this figure is at the level of 8%.

Live listeners had the opportunity to directly ask a question and discuss topics such as:

- why the population is inclined to borrow money from banks as opposed to the practice of accumulating personal funds;

- why the population uses the funds of microfinance organizations, if it is simply dangerous for household budgets;

- how to do without borrowed funds;

- in which cases the loan is a reasonable decision, and in which wrong decision;

- What is the situation with the backlog of small businesses. Is there a problem and if so, why does it exist in a business where the turnover of funds is more active.

The financial literacy program has been implemented in the Stavropol Territory since 2014. Within its framework, classes with students are held in the region, quizzes, quests for young people, adult residents of the region participate in lectures and seminars. Every year, the region participates in the All-Russian Financial Literacy Week for Children and Youth and the Savings Week. An active participant and organizer of many events is the Stavropol Agrarian University.

- Our task: to draw attention to this problem and to the fact that a person can feel differently in the world, more responsibly using resources, or managing them differently. When we hold meetings, the main topic is the family budget, loans, bank cards, and financial frauds, ”explained Yulia Mikhailovna and Elena Nikolaevna. - The current economic environment dictates the mandatory promotion of financial education in matters of personal financial literacy and financial security - especially for older people. Training meetings will continue next year. 

Дата новости для фото:  10.12.2018
Номер новости для фото:  15

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